Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I was in a very nostalgic mood today. In the morning I was listening to Rainbow-FM (a local radio) and one lady was talking about how she stole some mangoes from a farm with the help of a complete stranger, in her childhood of course...and later learning that the stranger helped her was actually the landlord of the farm. She sounded very happy remembering that sweet memory of hers..

And while in the British library, a couple of hours back, I became very nostalgic while I was skimming through Friends,a book on the ultra famous sitcom. I found myself laughing just by going through the book..Rachel, Ross, Chandler, Monica, Pheobe and Joey.....Can any one ever forget these names???

Imagine a life without any kind of Memories...AAh..the thought itself is dragging me back in time.


Hello ladles and germs..

I am Phani from Hyderabad,India. I love movies and love them a lot..right now working as a Team Leader in support to an American process.

I am a constant searcher of variety. I write short stories and photography is a part of my interests.