Thursday, March 1, 2007


Why do we sometimes feel dizzy about life?

I asked many a times this question to myself...finding no convincing answer.

Of late I started a task hoping that it would benefit me in both my personal and professional life. A job which needs time and money and which returns glory and fame. But, in a cinematic way, I am not getting enough response from others as they are not aware of the "glory" they are gonna reap or they have no value for such feeling in life.

This is making me think that "You are not a person with what you do..You are one with what others do"... I feel like the work we do is more dependent on others than us primarily.

If you observe enough, there is no single successful person in this world. Always, there are doubles. A winner and his/her mentor or guide or friend or philosopher or .......


Narayanamurthy (Infosys) backed up by Sudha Murthy, his wife.
Lord Krishna by guiding Arjuna.
Jesus was baptized by John, the Baptist.
DJ,Pandey,Karan,Sukhi and Aslam energised each other.

Considering above I say,

Champions are made by mere fooling around Champions.

Signing off in a hope to get out in search of my champion mate..