Monday, August 27, 2007

The real Terrorism..

Hyderabad has become the target of the International terrorists recently (Saturday, 25th August'07). There were a serial bomb blasts at the Lumbini Park and the famous "Gokul Chat" in Kothi. Also a series of bombs are diffused at various locations in the city by the police.

The point is what does one (terrorist) want to prove by claiming innocent lives. I must say that this is an act of cowardice. Only a barbarian can do such hideous tasks. But, why does in the name of heavens does political parties give this incident a different color altogether???

The opposition says that the "Congress government" failed miserably in protecting the city. BJP called for a bandh on Monday. These kind of reactions will give an undue advantage and a mental victory to those faceless terrorists. When will people understand that we have to be united in such situations to emerge victorious!!

The real terrorists are the politicians that we elect to rule us. Irony is everyone agrees with this statement, but do not work towards improving the system!!!

Yet, India is the largest democracy with a rich heritage.

Please don't make a political drama out of such incidents.