Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why the World needs Mozillla firefox?

Internet has evolved from a collection of simple HTML pages into a complex version which are manipulating huge databases every day. It has become an integral part of our daily life that we can spend a day or two without food but we cannot actually survive without checking our emails.

The one most important tool to navigate through this web is a web browser.

A web browser is a typical software application which enables a user to display and interact with text, images, videos, music and other information typically located on a Web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network. The browsers navigate through the web by following links and opening the addresses called URLs. There are many browsers available in the market like Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, Epiphany and etc.

Mozilla Firefox was initially a sub-project of Mozilla Suite. Later, the suite was discontinued and Firefox became an individual entity. It is an open source project licensed under a tri license GPL/LGPL/MPL. As on date, it enjoys 19% of market share in the usage of web browsers world wide and stands in the second place only after Microsoft Internet Explorer. Though Internet Explorer is an inferior browser compared to Firefox, it holds the first place, thanks to its free integration into almost all Windows operating systems.

Firefox supports tabbed browsing, spell checker, find, bookmarking of web pages, and an integrated search system that uses the user's desired search engine. A huge number of third party add-ons are also readily available as the source code of the browser itself is open to everyone. Also, Firefox has an option to turn-off JavaScript if required. This is very helpful for the developer community. It also features a popup blocker which blocks the unwanted and annoying popups on web pages.

Firefox can run on Windows, Mac, Linux, and other Unix based operating systems. This way a Firefox user is never unprepared in the times of migration from one operating system to the other. By default most popular Linux flavours like Ubuntu, Red Hat, Suse come with Firefox. This way, it becomes very meaningful to browse the Internet with Firefox.

What is the point in using an opensource software without customising it according to our needs? Firefox is fully customisable according to individual preferences and this is unthinkable in Microsoft realm. Using about:config page, even a layman can change the browser behaviours according to his requirements. I promise you all, another article about customising Firefox as it is a different ball game all together.

Internet Explorer has also many features which are in Firefox. But, Firefox features tabbed browsing since its initial days and these are initial days of the same feature in Internet Explorer. The same case is with integrated search engines. Mozilla Firefox may not win the argument in a debate about the best browser around, but it is leaving no option for others except getting better to stay in the competition. It won the hearts of millions and serving billions by standing in a healthy opposition's shoes.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Ruthless ruler of our time..

George W Bush is the current president of the United States of America. He started his regime on January 20 2001. Since then the face of America changed a lot and unfortunately the change is for bad. As soon as Bush succeeded Bill Clinton, as the 43rd President, he resumed his father,George H W Bush's war on Iraq. This way, he wanted to make a military base of USA in Asia and wanted to control the oil prices.

With the resumption of the Gulf war, he placed the United States in direct line of attack of the Muslim community's hatred and wrath. Osama Bin Laden pledged revenge on the United States and he master planned the September 11 attacks. He used the Kamikaze style of attacks as modus operandi for these attacks. There were 2974 causalities in this incident, excluding the 19 hijackers, 246 on the four planes (from which there were no survivors), 2,603 in New York City in the towers and on the ground, and 125 at the Pentagon. An additional 24 people remain listed as missing. All of the fatalities in the attacks were civilians except for 55 military personnel killed at the Pentagon. More than 90 countries lost citizens in the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Since the 9/11 attacks, Bush was under pressure from various international organizations against his war against terrorism. Albeit all of these things under his regeme, he invaded Iraq and Afghanistan under the pretext of the War against Terrorism. Though the United Nations declared that there are no bio-chemical weapons under the procession of Saddam Hussein, Bush invaded Iraq and captured him and eventually executed him.

Even American people are so pissed off with the rule of the government that they started looking for a change of rule. On January 20 2009, the regime of George W Bush will come to an end officially. People all over the world are looking forward for this day, as the most ruthless ruler of our time is going to complete his regime. May the world be bestowed with peace and prosperity from this date on...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


We all know that the word Hero is used in English to describe a person who shows some extraordinary character/will/skill in doing things.

Hero (n):A man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.

But, the origin of this word is very interesting. A man named Herostratus wanted his name to remain forever in this world. The lust for fame made him burn the Temple of Artemis on July 21st 356BC. This temple was one of the Seven wonders of the ancient world. Herostratus was executed for this deed and was condemned to the legacy of obscurity by forbidding mention of his name under the penalty of death.

The evolution of the human civilization is so strange that we actually granted Herostratus's wish and made him eternal by deriving the word HERO from his name.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Heights of Testing

I found this funny video on another blog. This is the funniest way one can test their laptops for durability. The audio in Tamil.

Courtesy :Shri Phani's Blog

Friday, July 11, 2008

Gandhi Vs Che Guevara

I was going through a community on Che Guevara and there was a hot discussion on Che's ideology Vs Ghandhi's ideology.

With all due respects to those who participated in this discussion, Gandhi and Che are two different personalities with different ideologies all together. One can not compare their ideologies as such.

Che was the greatest humanitarian who fought for the welfare of people and unification of South America. His weapon was brute force on those who posed a potential threat for his goals. The society he belonged to demands that force. people there might not understand the Satyagraha. By profession, Che was a doctor and he saved lives. But, to bring a change in the society, he has to change. Demand of the Day.

Gandhi was from a country which taught us love and compassion. As an Indian, he believed in non-violence and followed it through out his life. He is the only person who led a nation to independence without firing a single gunshot. But whatever he did after independence is ridiculous. The Hindu-Muslim riots that lead to the partition would have lasted for four months or a maximum of four years. But the partition left a sour taste even after this long time. May be India and Pakistan will fight till eternity. This is all because of one man's fault. He thought the riots can be put off by simply dividing the nation. I personally love Gandhi for is pre-independence efforts and hate him to the core for his post-independence efforts.

At the end of the day, we are not equipped with enough knowledge to take a side when talking about two great personalities of History. They did whatever they did and they are the only people who can justify their actions.

Love them, Hate them but can't ignore them.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hyderabadi Biryani

What's the fun in talking about Hyderabad and its culture without the taste of Biryani. Biryani was brought to Hyderabad by the invading Mughal army of Aurangazeb under the command of Khaja Abid, the father of the first Nizam of Hyderabad. The time taken for the preparation of Biryani is less compared to that of traditional food like Rotis and /or Rice cooked in steam. This became an excuse to use Biryani as the food for the soldiers in times of war. The rich ingredients like all the masalas(Spices) and meats along with Basmati Rice cooked in Ghee were perfect for energizing the soldiers in comparatively less amount of time.

The Nizams of Hyderabad perfected the recipe with the spices available in South India, placing the Hyderabadi Biryani in the top of the list. Biryani made in Hyderabad is far better than its variants available through the corners of the world as it is more spicy and rich in taste.


• 1 kg: Meat
• 750 gm: Semi cooked rice
• Sautéed brown onions to taste
• 1 tbsp: Ginger garlic paste
• 1 tbsp: Red chilli paste
• 1 tbsp: Green chilli paste
• ½ tbsp: Cardamom powder
• 3-4 sticks:
• Cinnamon
• 1 tbsp: Cumin seeds
• 4-5: Cloves
• 2 tbsp: Lemon juice
• 250 gm: Curd
• 4 tbsp: Clarified butter
• A pinch: Mace
• Mint leaves to taste
• 1 tsp: Saffron
• ½ cup: Water
• 1 tbsp: Salt
• ½ cup: Oil


Hyderabadi biryani is of two types, the Kacchi(raw) Biryani and the Pakki biryani. Kacchi biryani is prepared with raw meat, which is marinated in curd and then cooked along with the rice by sealing the handi (vessel) with a layer of dough, and is cooked on dum - steaming over coals. This is a challenging process as it requires meticulous attention to time and temperature to avoid overcooking or under-cooking the meat.

In Pakki biryani, the meat marinating time is shorter, and the meat is cooked before being layered with the rice and cooked in a dough-sealed vessel. In Pakki Yakhni (with cooked gravy), the ingredients are already cooked before baking. The gravy is redolent of mace, ittar and kewra. Saffron and cardamom are also used.
There is also a vegetarian version of the biryani, which is made from vegetables such as carrots, peas, cauliflower and potato.

Biryani is best served along with Mirchi Ka Salan and Raita. A soda like coke or Pepsi will add to the taste of Biryani.

Hyderabad features many restaurants which are famous all over the world. Some of them are Bawarchi, located at RTC ‘X’ roads, Paradise Hotel in Paradise circle, Secunderabad, Bahar in Bashirbagh. If you are looking for a late night Biryani, Al-hum-Dulillah in Mallepally is the place. Personally, I like Hyderabad House’s Biryani.

Enjoy your Biryani.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Guinness World Record for Firefox 3.

We have done it. Mozilla Firefox 3 now has a Guinness World Record for the software most downloaded in a single day. On June 18 2008, the browser was downloaded by 8,002,530 users worldwide.