Saturday, January 30, 2010


Man is a social animal.

Whoever said this must be a real genius in understanding the psychology of the human brain. We live in a society which is bound by a set of rules called Law. Try to imagine what the world would be like if there is no law to govern! Man will become animal. His thirst for blood grows. Absolute power to an individual will bring out the animalistic cruelty and sexual perversion.

Caligula is a film that deals with such absolute power and its by-products, that are bestowed on the infamous Roman Ceaser. Malcolm McDowell did a wonderful job in enacting the maniacal role. All the other actors are merely supporting his performance. Peter O'Toole was great in his role. He was very expressive as a dying tyrant who doesn't trust his heir to the throne. His character is also very pervasive and Toole splendidly performed as one. Helen Mirren has nothing much to do than standing as an eye candy wife of Caligula.

The movie is filled with nudity and gore. Yet, you will not remember the movie as a softcore or you wouldn't be aroused by the content. Director Tinto Brass made sure that the tone was maintained throughout. Watch Caligula for the pure passion of a bunch of men to tell a shocking story.

In my opinion, this is one of the finest movies I have ever seen. Try this movie, if you are OK with the nudity and gore.