Sunday, August 25, 2013

Worst Biopic ever! Bad Steve Jobs film. Good Ashton Kutcher Film...

A movie on the life of Steve Jobs? Ashton Kutcher?

These were the questions that were running in the mind. The second one proved to be a bad judgement on my part as soon as the movie started. The very first scene convinced me that Ashton Kutcher did his home work for the part. His body language and mannerisms were impeccable.

Is this a movie on Steve Jobs? Unfortunately, this question was running at the back of head, even now. In fact, can that ever be categorized, a biography!!!

Jobs was a pathetic human being. He never lived up in the good books of his friends throughout his life. He became ultra famous as a visionary by leading a company called Apple. His business ideas are definitely genius. But this BIOGRAPHY neither showed his bad personal life nor the good entrepreneur life.

Jobs made apple the super successful IT company post the 90's after he introduced the famous iPhone and iPad. And the script conveniently leaves that part out. A computer manufacturing company entering the phone arena... That was thinking different. The misfit... And it doesn't even gets a mention. Whoa!!! What a biopic.

The troubling years of Steve Jobs when he is out of Apple gave us two company's. One is Next Technologies as seen in the film and the other one is PIXAR. I know that it is awkward to showcase another studio in your film, but please!!!

And can somebody explain me that Bach's piece of music in the background, when Steve is enjoying the LSD induced Euphoria? Does that remotely imply that Jobs was planning to launch a music device that changes the world, how to listen Music? Outrageous script writing there with a huge Cliché!

If you are remotely aware of the person called Steve Jobs, this film is not for you.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Dr. Makineedi Achyutha Gangadhar

We have lost our uncle, Dr. M A Gangadhar, on August 29th 2012. He was a Veterinarian and was serving as Assistant Director, Institute of Animal Husbandry, Mandapeta, at the time of this death. It's been 8 months since the demise. Our loss is something which can't be expressed in mere words. He was always a father figure to me. The simple presence of him in my life used to be a constant morale and confidence booster of sorts.

After a vacuum that was created with the demise, we had a great news of sorts on 27th April 2013, the World Veterinarian's Day. The department in which he worked has started a tradition of identifying the best Veterinarian in the District of East Godavari and awarding him Dr. Makineedi Achyutha Gangadhar Memorial Award for exemplary work in Veterinary Services. On the inception, this award went to Dr. R Venkateswara Rao, a colleague and a good friend of Dr. M A Gangadhar.

Our entire family is humbled and will be eternally thankful to the Veterinary Department of East Godavari district for making Dr. M A Gangadhar live forever through this kind gesture. I personally want to thank Dr. Anitha, Dr. L K Sudhakar and Dr. Gabriel, for proposing and executing this. They are to take this to the state level from next year.

I always knew Dr. Gangadhar as my uncle and never looked beyond that. It is only after the loss, that I could see how great human being he was. I know he will live forever in my heart and now I am sure that he will live forever even in the hearts of fellow veterinarians.