Monday, June 27, 2011

Yet another unforgettable week-end!!

Last five days of my life have been a real roller coaster of emotions. I experienced all the basic emotions like Joy, Trust, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust, Anger and Anticipation through out this period. I met the daughter of my friend who is just 20 days older, a bride, entering her new life, a 90 year old lady who is en-route to a temple, albeit her age and sickness, each one imparting a different kind of respect towards human life.

Man is a social animal and when the fear of society is taken off from that very man, he becomes a mere animal. There remains no difference between the thinking man and thoughtless dog or a pig. An incident that I experienced is so un-humanly that I was left in complete disgust towards the person who committed it. Very unfortunately, this man is a friend of mine with whom, I need to maintain the relationship for life.

On a very different occasion and another friend in the scene, I felt trust in the relationship solidified.

Overall, we are what we think. I know that I need to move forward remembering the incidents that impart positive energy to my thinking process and leave those, which will take me down. Thanks to my friends and well wishers who bestowed me with these emotions which will shape my personality.


viv said...

Donno what situation made u say that but it surely feels like word from the bottom of the heart !!

kalyan said...

Hmm.. A sense of responsibility is what needed in every human being. This may control him at times. its common in ones life to make mistakes. The point of life is not to make the same mistake again if it hurts others in any way..