Friday, June 27, 2008

First Impression on Firefox 3.

I have been using the latest version of the best browser in the world today Mozilla Firefox 3.

Some of its features are very good but I am very much disappointed about the way it manages the saved passwords. The browser remembers the passwords like any other web browser available as on date but, it also shows them all "UNENCRYPTED" upon request. This can prove to be a big loop hole to the browser's credibility.

Saturday, June 21, 2008


I was watching "Cars" and wondered how much movies inspire us in our daily lives..

I always loved movies more than any other channel of entertainment. They made me laugh, cry and for that matter, any emotion that is possible to a 25 year young heart. They made me propose a girl during my college, fight with my friends and reunite with them again etc...

If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that movies actually are all around. (In the lines of a famous quote from "Love Actually.")

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Environment and US

Gaia philosophy states that Earth is a living organism and is based on Gaia(Greek name of goddess Earth). If this theory is to be believed Humans become perfect parasites depending on Earth.

I don't know whether Earth is a living thing or not, but humans definitely have the qualities of a virus. We not only are using up the resources that are allocated for us, but also consuming the reserves of our future generations and making this planet non-livable. In search of money, man is inventing some very dangerous technologies which eventually are destroying the environment. From a simple electric shaver to a nuclear plant, today everything creates electro magnetic fields which are dangerous to the human himself. We are filling our environment with carbon monoxide(CO) by the increasing usage of vehicles on the roads. Even a refrigerator or a television set emits carbo-floro gases which damage the ozone layer. If the cellular network can penetrate through the concrete walls, why can't it penetrate through the human tissue and create a cancer?? Yet, we all need those gadgets instead of the classical environment friendly tools just because they give us some extra time!!

I request everyone to please give it a thought and try to change your lifestyles as far as it allows you to do so and give a better life to our future generations.

Some basic definitions

Virus: A virus (from the Latin virus meaning "toxin" or "poison"), is a sub-microscopic infectious agent that is unable to grow or reproduce outside a host cell. Viruses infect cellular life forms and are grouped into animal, plant and bacterial types, according to the type of host infected.
Host: A host is an organism that harbors a virus or parasite, or a mutual or commensal symbiont, typically providing nourishment and shelter. In botany, a host plant is one that supplies food resources and substrate for certain insects or other fauna.

"We didn't inherit the planet from our ancestors, we are borrowing it from our children.."

Definitions Courtesy :Wikipedia

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Firefox Download Day

Mozilla is launching its web browser Firefox 3 on June 17 2008. They also planned for a creating a world record for the most downloaded software in a single day. The day coincides with Microsoft Day and Mozilla is all set to ruin the day for Microsoft.

By the way, I forgot to say that Mozilla Firefox is far better than Microsoft Internet Explorer in many ways. So any one interested to download can visit Mozilla Firefox Download Page

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Balancing Work and Other things..

Every one of us in this world are different from each other. We make different and take different from life. But we all are having one thing in common. That is 24 hours a day. Yet, almost all of us feel that others are enjoying more time than us as we don't know how to manage our time properly.

The tool below will probably help most of us in managing our time properly.

Time Management Tool


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Mumbai Monsoon

After a long and energy sapping summer, first rain poured from the heavens on 5th of june in Mumbai. I rushed out of home and roamed around on foot to enjoy the first rains. A hot chai,bhajia and surprisingly ice cream were on the menu that day and they were very much enjoyable in the scenario.

As this is my first monsoon in Mumbai, I took the rain so lightly. Today (12th June) is seventh day and it is still raining. No sun all these days and I already feel so depressed with the environment. Hopefully the sun comes out fast and shine all the day. But, friends say that this is only a HOPE for next 3 months at least...

Going out to office drenched in rain and waiting a long time for getting an auto rickshaw is very tiring experience, believe me.