Thursday, April 2, 2009

Google Talk, Labs Edition

I have just checked out Google Talk, Labs edition which is basically in beta stage. This is a cool tool from Google, but with lot many drawbacks. The much awaited invisible mode is available along with smileys, integration to google calenders and orkut.

Google Talk,Labs Edition

But the drawbacks are really major things like lack of file transfer feature and a separate window for every individual chat. This makes this tool unusable in an Office environment as an internal communication tool. All the chats appear as tabs in the main window itself rather than a new window. If you have a habit of closing the main window, to save space on your task bar, the icon in the system tray blinks whenever a new chat message arrives. This might not catch your attention always and there is a chance of losing the whole point of communication itself. Unfortunately, I close the main window. So, this Labs Edition is unusable for me.

To download the Google Talk, Labs Edition, visit here.

For detailed differences between the regular Gtalk and Labs edition, visit here.

1 comment:

lakshman said...

there's more to it... try sharing a youtube video in it