Sunday, April 29, 2007

Adolf Hitler

"Adolf Hitler" was dead on this very day some sixty two years back. Yet, his presence is felt almost in every corner of the world today. What he has shown the world is the culmination of evil.

There were many people in the past who dreamt of ruling the world prior to Hitler. But they all lacked in some or the other point. Hitler struck the right chords by hitting the nail exactly. He used his oratory skills and created a confidence in the general German public. His main weapon was the "Supremacy of a particular race". Any human being in this world is prone to these weaknesses. Aryans were no different people.

Hitler rose from a tramp to the Supreme of Germany making his voice and talkative skills as the ultimate tools. I would say, Hitler would have become the personality of the century, if he used these skills for the development of the mankind. But, as they say, past is past.

I sincerely hope that this is the only day in modern day history which is marked as a festival which commemorates the death of someone...

May his soul rest in peace.

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