Friday, April 13, 2007


Hi all...

Have you ever wanted to be at a different place in the very next moment!!

Ever wanted to know how Gods in mythology traveled at the speed of thought!!

In today's world of science, every question is being answered whether we believe them or not. And biggest irony was that we all studied these concepts before we specialized in computers or management.

Does anyone remember the famous formula from Einstein, "E=m*c*c"(Read E equals to m c square). where E stands for Energy, m for mass and c is the speed of light.

According to simple science, Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms.

So, what happens if the mass is converted to light energy and beamed to a different location at the speed of light and there again converted back to mass??

Viola!! the mass disappeared here and appeared there!! This will take only a fraction of second. because the speed of light is, again as we all studied ages back, some 3 lac kms/second.

So, theoretically, we can disappear here and appear before our loved ones in the United States, in 1/8 th of a second.

And practically, our scientists, recently (On October 4th 2006) successfully teleported atoms. The link for that NEWS is

Hope, a day will come when this world is really a small place to live in.

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